The Davidoff Exclusive cigars are exceptional creations with customised blends, as unique as the countries, cities and anniversaries they were made to celebrate.
Handmade by our most experienced Davidoff craftsmen, these premium cigar editions are specially created for our key partners and released in very limited quantities only, giving a few lucky aficionados the opportunity to enjoy a truly unique cigar experience.
Within this year's series, we proudly highlight the beautiful edition for Davidoff of Geneva since 1911's 110th anniversary.
The Davidoff Exclusives blends are tailor-made and personally chosen by a trusted Davidoff appointed merchant, to give aficionados a unique cigar experience.
Like every Davidoff cigar the Exclusive Editions are handcrafted with a selection of tobaccos from Ecuador and the Dominican Republic to deliver a wide array of rich flavours and aromas.
This years highlight is the «110th Anniversary Davidoff of Geneva» to honour Zino Davidoff's unique attention to each customer and their individual demands who entered the iconic Geneva store.
This exclusive edition celebrates 110 years of retail excellence and with this a pivotal part of Davidoff’s «Crop-to-Shop» strategy.
There are 2’200 boxes exclusively available at Davidoff of Geneva flagship stores worldwide.
The multi-origin blend reveals an alluring set of aromas and provides a well-balanced taste journey.
This classic Toro cigar is perfectly suited to please many palates around the globe and is the ideal ambassador to represent the 110th anniversary in retail excellence.
This year Davidoff proudly presents 16 unique Exclusives, to celebrate and honor our «Davidoff of Geneva» flagship stores and our valued key partners around the globe.
The Davidoff Exclusives 2021 Toro cigars offer a range from medium to full bodied blends depending on the individual edition. The chosen blends are carefully designed to excel with favoured Davidoff signature complexity and sophistication.