Taste experience
The Davidoff & Boyarde Geometrically Speaking Humidor is filled with 50 toro cigars, which were created exclusively for this Masterpiece. With a remarkable age of 10 years, the expertly-crafted cigars offer a complex and intense taste experience which treats aficionados to 50 to 60 minutes of time beautifully filled. The blend’s tobaccos from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and Mexico create robust aromas of fresh spice, leather and oak wood.
Story behind the cigar
The Davidoff & Boyarde Masterpiece Humidor Collection consists of five pieces, which are the result of Davidoff's collaboration with the well-known pop art artist Boyarde Messenger. Each humidor displays an exceptional artwork by Boyarde and comes with exclusive cigars specially blended for each piece.
Discover the Davidoff & Boyarde Masterpiece Humidor and Cigar Collection
Taste experience
The Davidoff & Boyarde Geometrically Speaking Humidor is filled with 50 toro cigars, which were created exclusively for this Masterpiece. With a remarkable age of 10 years, the expertly-crafted cigars offer a complex and intense taste experience which treats aficionados to 50 to 60 minutes of time beautifully filled. The blend’s tobaccos from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and Mexico create robust aromas of fresh spice, leather and oak wood.
Story behind the cigar
The Davidoff & Boyarde Masterpiece Humidor Collection consists of five pieces, which are the result of Davidoff's collaboration with the well-known pop art artist Boyarde Messenger. Each humidor displays an exceptional artwork by Boyarde and comes with exclusive cigars specially blended for each piece.
Discover the Davidoff & Boyarde Masterpiece Humidor and Cigar Collection